
When I was a kid, my favorite day in class was when we all took turns reading out loud. Because I loved doing it, and because, well…I was better at it than anybody else. Ha. I just – could hear it in my head, clear as day.

I eventually found the theatre and carved out a big piece of my life there. Making sound and movement, telling stories, connecting with people…

I love the freedom of doing voice work. I love centering on the voice, no distractions. Getting close, in the listener’s head… or rearing back and howling at the moon. But all in the voice. It’s the best.

I’m currently a member of RebeLoop, providing walla and ADR in Portland, OR. I’m also the founder and artistic director of Asylum Theatre, a “boutique” theatre dedicated to living at the intersection of art and entertainment. I’m also proud papa to Betty, my snowshoe cat, who sits outside the booth wondering what the hell I’m doing in there.